Today in India the problem of rape spreads fear on the Indian women. For example there were over 489 cases of rape in Delhi just last year and about 189 in Mumbai. This led the court to propose that chemical and surgical castration should be used to punish the rapists. Such suggestion has found very big favour between some Indian women but not all of them agreed.
Everybody knows that rape harms the body but many people said that performing the chemical of the surgical castration is a very amateur idea and it will not serve as solution to the problem.
Chemical castration exists also in several American states like California and Texas. But many people think that this is very barbaric way for punishing the rapists and they are suggesting that it will be much better to extend the duration of the jail imprisonment. Even speaking, there are thoughts about education facilities which can put the young minds on the right path.
But even so the National Crime Record Bureau report that the rapes in 2010 are more than the rapes in 2009 (489 for 2010 and 459 for 2009). The most frighting thing about the rapes is that more than 56 percent of the accused in rape cases are below the age of 25.