
Indian Nightlife

To a certain extent India is still pretty conservative. Some parts of the society are not as open minded as the western society and even simple mingling between sexes on public place can be disapproved by the older people.
Indian Modern Bowling
However today India has more young people then any time before. Big part of them are well educated professionals who communicate with people from around the world. This leads to a shift in thinking and today we can see more liberal people then before. In some cities you can enjoy your alcohol beverage as many times as you want. The bartenders will not stop you even if they see that you already had drank too many.

So what is so special about the Indian nightlife. Of course the mixture between new futuristic and modern clubs, discos and bars and the traditional restaurants and coffee shops. You can find almost everything in these places with the only requirement not be solo. Most of the places may not get you in because they prefer their guests to arrive in pairs.

Other option you have is to visit some of the nighttime festivals or parades. They will bring unique flavor to your stay in India and will remind you of the rich culture and ancient history of the country. And of course you have to end the day like the locals and go to an art-deco cinema. Watching a Bollywood film in India is like seeing the Pope in Rome or visiting the Aiffel tower in Paris – it is just mandatory.

You can have a magnificent time in India if you know where to look for and if you know exactly what you want to find.