
Indian Wedding Traditions

The weddings in India are very colourful events with lots of traditions and rituals. Most of the weddings continues for several days and there are between 100 and 10 000 guests attending. Often big part of these guests are unknown to the young family but this is not a problem because these wedding days ,for the Indians, are one of the happiest in their lives, so they are very generous.
Indian Wedding
The main purpose of these big weddings is not the newlyweds to be happy but to bring together the two families.

In India big part of the weddings are arranged. This means that the parents of the groom and the bride agree to marry them on a curtain prise. Nevertheless some of the couples in the urban areas have a “love marriages”.

Traditions – they are very different in the different castes, regions, ethnicity and etc. but they usually are structured very identically. All the weddings start with pre-wedding ceremonies, the ceremonies on the wedding day and in the end Vaadi. Vaadi is the name of the ceremony when the bride officially leaves her father's house and moves the her husban's house. This part of the wedding can be very emotional because it is a start of a new life for the girl.

According to Hindu traditions the bright seats on the right side of the groom till the moment they exchange their marital vows or the “Saptpadi”. Then she moves to his left side. The reason is that Lord Brahma created the man from his right shoulder and the woman from his left shoulder. So the right side is where the strangers sit.

There are many other ceremonies and traditions which the Indians are following so maybe it will be interesting for you to know about them.