
Indian Brands

The brand of the commodities today can add so much value, that some people would buy curtain things only because they are wearing a curtain badges. This makes the brand of the goods especially important. For example we all know that some people associate the German commodities with very high quality and buy them only for that “made in Germany” text. So what is the first thing that comes in to your mind when you hear the phrase “Indian brand”? Today I will present you some of India's most popular and valuable brands.

The most popular Indian brand is “Tata”. This is the name of the biggest and fastest growing business group in India. It is owned by Ratan Tata. The interests of the group are in communications, technology, steel industry and many others. The brand's value today is over 11 billion US dollars.

The second biggest brand in India is “Reliance”. The spheres of work are related mainly with gas and oil. However these days the group is developing also a textile, telecommunication and etc. businesses. The total value of the “Reliance” brand is 7.2 billion dollars.

In third place is “SBI”. The abbreviation come from State Bank of India. Today the value of the bank's brand Is 4.5 billion dollars.

Fourth - “Airtel”. This is a telecommunication company which operates not only in India but also in 19 other countries. The capitalization of this brand is approximately 3.1 billion dollars.

Fifth - Bharat Petrolium- 2.9 billion.

These companies are far from the biggest brands in the world like Coca-Cola and Wal-mart, which has brand value of 40-50 billion dollars, but they are showing a steady growth and we can expect more and more companies from India to join this prestigious rating.