Fourth in the world in major religious traditions is India. The religion status consist
Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism.
Baha'i in-house |
Through the history of India, religion has been playing an important role in the country's culture. Religion tolerance were established by law and custom. A big number of the population of India associate themselves with a religion.
Statue of Shiva |
According to the information based on the 2001 census
Hinduism accounted for 80.5% of the Indians, Islam - 13.4%, Christianity - 2.3% and Sikhism - 1.9%. They are major religions followed by the locals. The religion belief system in India today is a direct result of the country being international trading centre in the past. Also it is found that invaders might brought different religions to the country site. Zoroastrianism and Judaism are too with great ancient history in India. India today have the largest population in the word following the Zoroastrianism. Many of the religions have a direct link with the indian spirituality, like Baha'i faith which says that Lord Buddha and Lord Krishna are manifestations of God. Indians have also popularized some other aspects like yoga also known as meditation, Ayurvedic medicine, karma and other specialities from the Hindu philosophy.
The Muslim population of India is known as the 3
rd biggest in our world. One of the most famed shrines like the Sufism, can be found in India's country side.
The Constitution of India is reading that any nation is free to practice with proper reasonable restriction for the sake of morality and the law. Also its statement reads that the freedom of religion is also a fundamental right. Indians are known with there tolerance for each other religions and keep a secular out look even though the inter-religion marriage is not widely apply. Even the inter-community clashes are not supported well in the social network.