The first Indian movie was made in 1913 and it was called Raja Harishchandra. It was a silent movie made by Dadasaheb Phalke. Until 1930 the industry has been producing approximately 200 films per year. Then in the 1930 the first sound movie was released. It becomes a major success. After that the whole industry changes it's course and starts to create films with lots of dances and songs in them. This sets as a trade mark of the Indian films and make them very unique and easy to recognise from people all around the world.
In the 1937 the first colour film was produced. It was called “Adreshir Irani”. Ever since, Hindi movies are always competing for the “Golden palm” award at the Cannes film festival and other prestigious festivals.

At the 21st century Bollywood films become more and more world wide popular. This reflects on their quality very positively and it is much better than ever before. The techniques used in Bollywood at the moment are among the modernest in the world. This make the opportunities, in front of the Indian film industry, very big.
Other specific of Bollywood filmmaking styles , can be found if we look at the segments films are dedicated for. The industry has preferred films that can be watched from all types of people. However they are reorienting their policy in terms to appeal viewers overseas.