Indian civilisation is among the oldest in the world. In the subcontinent were invented things that I personally though, existed since the creation of the world.

One of these things is the Zero. Although the Babilonians used this sign to separate different numbers like 607 and 67 for example. The first known usage of the Zero as a number was found in ancient India. In Mathematical treatises from these times, the zero was used as the first number. Around 500 years A.C. A man called Aryabhata created an equation which explained the rotation of the Earth around it's axis. Of course this was far ahead of its time and nobody paid the attention this discovery deserves.
The first concept about written and spoken language is also from India. Around 2000 B.C. A man by the name Panini created series of rules (more than 4000) which regulated the proper way of writing and speaking.
The Indians thought not only about the time and space on the earth. They've created a theory according which the universe is a structure where the time is different from the time on the earth. In some Hindu scriptures the scales used for earth and astronomical time measurement are not equal. The astronomical year is a few billion earth years long.
Panini |
The binary system - A man named Pingala (1000 B.C.) described a system which convert the ordinary numbers in line of zeros and ones. This system is very similar to the system created from Leibnitz more than 2000 years later. The binary system is the reason for existence of the computers. They convert all the information that we see on the monitor in binary code and calculates it.
Representation of large numbers by using degrees.
In modern times India is again a place where the new is created. Modern lanterns, wind-mill charger for mobile phones and many more. As we can see, today the modern Indian scientists are working on the main problem for the human civilization – new ways of getting energy.