With the arrival of the British, the mass education system was introduced. The main purpose of the colonial education was to reduce indigenous culture and religion. The effect of this change was dramatic. Macaulayism, how the new system was known, is the reason India of today to have educational system that is as good as the educational systems of countries in west Europe. Since 1940 the per cent of the literacy in India had increased four times. The percentage of the people in schools has increased almost 6 times. After the independence of the country , the university education became under jurisdiction of the government. It also has the right to decide the policies in the whole educational system and to control some aspects of it. The government created “The National Policy of Education” in 1986 and initiated some other measures to increase quality and the quantity of the educated people in India.
The education today:
These days in primary and secondary schools in India are educating more than 88 million children. Even after this measures two-third of the children in India that are between 14-18 years old aren't going to school.

The higher education in India is the third largest in the world after these in China and the United States. At the moment India has 20 central universities, 215 state universities and 16 000 collages. One of the highly rated universities is “The Indian Institutes of Technology”. Every year more than 8000 students enrolled in it. The consequences of that is that India is crating an army of highly educated edngineers and scientists. The education of women and men in India is equal.
Today India is one of the four fastest growing economies in the world. This is the best testimonial of the quality of the education system in the country.