
Really Amazing India

 Ancient India is a very fascinating place which gave a lot to the world. In order to take the picture, hare are some facts.

The 6th century, the time when Europe was continent hosting only 3 to 5 countries or even Empires, a man in India calculated the number Pi very precisely and used it to calculate circumference of the planet, and to put the cherry on top, he succeed in that so much that his calculations were only 70 miles from what appeared to be the circumference when the 20th century scientists calculated it.

15th century was the time when Madawar found a way to calculate Pi with even greater precision. His formula was π/4=1−1/3+1/5−1/7+1/9 etc. However, according to the official information that you will find in many places, this formula was found by Leibniz in the 17th century.

One more thing:
There is a story about Varaha Avatar, more than 10 thousands years old, which tells about big flood and how a boar saved the earth. However, what is interesting about this is story is something else. It's the pictures related with it and that on them, the Earth was drawn round, which means that 10 thousands years ago the people on the Indian continent knew about the real shape of the Earth.

There are many other clues that ancient India was the place where many of the modern things were created but which glory was taken away during the years.

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