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Yoga Practice |
Talking about India means talking spiritual. This land is soaked with things created to bring joy not to the body but to the soul of the human.
The most wonderful architectural achievements in India were built to worship Love or God. That is why you can visit wonderful temples and monuments, but very little forts. Every little thing in India is usually connected in some way to a specific tradition or belief.
So today i will make you familiar with the highest form of spiritual behaviour – Yoga.
What is yoga actually?
The word yoga comes from Sanskrit and it literally means “union”. A way to make your soul, mind and body one whole. However, the western civilisation usually uses the words asana and yoga as interchangeably terms, because for many people yoga is only a physical exercise and nothing more. Actually, the true is that asana is only a small part of yoga. It is one of the 8 limbs of this practice which includes also:
Yama- Universal morality
Nyama- self observance
Pranayama – a special exercises for proper breathing
Pratyahara - a way of controlling the senses
Dharana – concentration
Dhyana – devotion, meditation and divine
Samadhy – union of the divine
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The 8 Limbs of Yoga |
The origins of Yoga practice date back in the first millennium before the common era. In these times the seers were meditating in order to discover the secrets of nature. The main goal of yoga is liberation from the cycle of live.
The Yoga practice has 2 main divisions:
Karma-yoga – which comes for work. This means that the person who practices it will achieve yoga with a lot of hard work.
Jnana-yoga - means yoga through knowledge.
Today yoga is practised all over the world by people from different ages. They all find different reasons for this but they all say that it helps them a lot. So, if I caught your attention you may try it also.