How advanced are we today? Do we believe in things that we cannot see or we are material people and if we cannot touch something it does not exist for us? Well, this question may have different answers depending on the place where we ask.

For example, if you go to some advanced and well economically developed country, then the chances for the people to find you crazy for asking this is pretty big. Most of us, in the modern, west civilization, are not very spiritual and hardly believe in things that we cannot touch or see.
However, in places like India, the people, maybe because their way of thinking or because of the level of their education, still believe in spirits and modern gods. So, it is no wonder then, that even today, they are capable to find and to determine Avatars ( a god in a human body). According the beliefs, a god becomes an Avatar because of its advancement, which makes the incarnation in a human body impossible. So, the god makes links with beings on the earth and incarnates in them, and therefore they stand in for him.
One of those gods is Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This man, according different sources, has from 6 to over 100 million devotees. He created an organisation named after him, which has branches in over 100 countries.
Many people considered him god, so it is no wonder that many photos of him can be seen on the shelves in the houses and in the cars of the people.
How Sri Sathya Sai Baba made the people believe?
The materialization was the strongest weapon, which the man-god was using. Things like rings, necklaces and watches were created from thin air and that was enough for his followers to believe in him. He also raised dead people and healed the sick. His organisation built one hospital, an university and several schools.
According the beliefs, Sri Sathya Sai Baba will reborn as Prema Sai Baba.
So, no matter that some of us are sceptical and do not believe in such spiritual things, there are people in the world that are ready to prove their love to god in different ways and to follow him in everything.