
Gone with the Wind-Sets

Tara, the O'Hara home

Gone with the wind was filmed on Culver studios stages 11 and 12, in Los Angeles, not a single shot was filmed in Atlanta, as many believe. All the exteriors of Tara, Twelve Oaks and Atlanta were created on the 28 acre backlot of the studios called back 40.

Some interesting pictures of the sets:

1959 shot shows Tara in state of disrepair 
Scarlett's bedroom at Tara
The grounds of Tara
Sign on the Twelve Oaks fence
Inspiration house (in Covington, GA) for Twelve Oaks
Twelve Oaks staircase
Twelve Oaks Library
Vase throwing scene in the library
Twelve Oaks after the war
Front of Rhett's Atlanta mansion
Back patio of Rhett's Atlanta home
The patio
Rhett's bedroom in Atlanta
Scarlett's bedroom in Atlanta
Bonny's room
Atlanta staircase
Scarlet's fall
Atlanta scene
Civil war outdoor hospital scene in Atlanta
On the set
Credits: Google,hooked on houses etc