

Today I happen to discover some amazing pictures of French Boiserie, that I would share. French Boiserie always fascinates me, whether on walls or furniture, it is amazing how artisans have spent hours creating them without any power tools. In today's world I don't know how much will it cost to do just one room of Versailles, but I am sure it was not cheap even in the 16th century. 

Feau & Cie, in Paris, since 1875, have been restoring antique Boiserie and reproducing new as well. If you are looking for French Boiserie for your Chateau, do check them.

Queen's chamber, Versailles
Feau & Cie
Feau & Cie
Feau & Cie
Commode, ca. 1745–49, Charles Cressent
Mechanical Table by Jean-François Oeben ca. 1761–63
Table by Gilles Joubert, ca. 1759
Commode by André-Charles Boulle ca. 1710–32
Picture credits: flicker,Feau & Cie, Baptiste Lignel, Metropolitan Museum, Google etc.