Tips for Washing, Ironing & Storing a Women’s Blouse
Whilst the classic white shirt may be a timeless wardrobe staple it will only remain that way with a little Tender Loving Care.

If you have followed fashion advice on key wardrobe basics and invested in a blouse or shirt with a good quality cotton weave, then your investment needs to be protected by maintaining its look and shape.

Along with a few pointers from The Textile Services Association, here is some helpful advice on how to care for your shirt:
How to Wash a White Shirt
How to Wash a White Shirt

Tips for Washing, Ironing & Storing a Women’s Blouse
Whilst the classic white shirt may be a timeless wardrobe staple it will only remain that way with a little Tender Loving Care.
Whilst the classic white shirt may be a timeless wardrobe staple it will only remain that way with a little Tender Loving Care.

If you have followed fashion advice on key wardrobe basics and invested in a blouse or shirt with a good quality cotton weave, then your investment needs to be protected by maintaining its look and shape.

Along with a few pointers from The Textile Services Association, here is some helpful advice on how to care for your shirt:
How to Wash a White Shirt
* According to Davis, Fort and Richa in the article “A Crisp White Shirt is a Fashion Classic” from, “in general it is better to wash your white shirts than to have them dry-cleaned”
* Keep your shirt looking ultra-bright by using a specially formulated detergent for whites.
* Generally a machine wash at 40c is perfect for cotton, but make sure you check the manufacturers label for washing instructions. With the latest trend in detailing and embellishments, there may be specific requirements.
* Never mix whites with colored items. Keep them separate.
* Brighten up a dull looking shirt by using specially formulated fabric bleach such as Ecover’s Laundry Bleach. The same applies to white bras which look very sorry for themselves. Do not use normal bleach as it will yellow the shirt.
* A stain removing product (such as Vanish or Shout) is an essential tool when trying to remove dirt and grime from collars and cuffs, or make up which has accidentally rubbed onto the collar. Use a toothbrush to apply the stain remover but do not rub too hard so as not to damage the fabric.
* Should you suffer from excessive underarm staining from deodorants or perspiration marks then consider sewing in some garment guard patches, available from Amazon.
* Drying your shirt on a hanger will minimize creasing.
* Secure buttons for longer by making sure your unfastening the shirt before placing it in the washing machine.
How to Iron a White Shirt

Finally, as a white shirt needs to be worn crisp and wrinkle free, if you loath ironing then spend a little more and invest in a non-iron shirt instead. By giving it a little TLC, keeping your shirt in pristine condition will prevent it from becoming unintentionally off-white, and allow you to continue to wear this versatile piece of women’s clothing for years to come.