complete with bedazzled boots, lots of funky jewelry and cool, little dresses. So Lovato, who has admitted to shopping on tour, was a bit nervous when she gave MTV News a behind-the-scenes look at her outfits.

Lovato said that in the weeks leading up to the trek, she really had to focus and nail down the looks she wanted for her performances, which would include sets of her singing her own tunes as well as tunes from the "Camp Rock" movies. That means she needed looks that were both Lovato and Mitchie, her character from the movies.

"When it comes to picking out outfits for the tour, I had a rack that filled out an entire warehouse," she shared. "I just went through it and it took me like six, seven hours to fit all the outfits for the tour. It was fun!"
One of those looks is an edgy black and feather dress that screamed Lady Gaga. "It's a dress and I've never really performed my own set in a dress before