“I think being relaxed all times, and I mean relaxed, not collapsed, can add to the happiness and duration of one’s life and looks. And relaxed people are fun to be around”. Cary Grant
And relaxed he was, all his 82 years of life and fun he was to be around with. And even now 26 years after his death, he is fun when you watch his movies; he is relaxed when you look at his photos.
Cary Grant was a gentleman, a style icon, a great movie star, a great father and a great man.
At age 5 |
On the set |
You don't lose your identity up on the screen. It's always you... CG
The Philadelphia Story |
The Grass is Greener |
NYC, shooting North by Northwest |
With Grace Kelly in "To catch a Thief" |
Gregory Peck, Joanne Woodward, Paul Newman, Sophia Loren, Doris Day (back to camera), Cary Grant, Ronald Reagan and Dorothy Malone listening to dir. Parker during rehearsals for 30th annual Academy Awards show at the RKO Pantages theater |
If you want to be an actor, my advice is to learn your lines and don't bump into other actors... CG
With Katharine Hepburn |
With Ingrid Bergman |
Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant |
Cary Grant and Marilyn Monroe |
How the devil do I know what I would have become if hadn't become an actor? CG
Cary Grant in "Male War-bride" |
katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant on the set |
Cary, Eva, Hitchcock and James |
Hepburn, Cary and Stewart |
Cary and Priscilla Lane |
Rock Hudson, Cary Grant, Marlon Brando and Gregory Peck |
Clark Gable, Cary Grant, Bob Hope and Sir David Niven |
The only really good thing about acting in movies is that there is no heavy lifting. CG
Cary and Virginia Cherrill |
Cary and BarbaraHutton |
Cary and BetsyDrake |
Cary and Dyan Cannon |
Cary and Barbara Harris |
I could have gone on acting and playing a grandfather or a bum, but I discovered more important things in life. I retired when I became a father because I didn't want to miss any part of my daughter's growing up. Jennifer is the best production I ever made. CG
Cary Grant and daughter Jennifer Grant |
I'm too busy living my life to write about it. CG
In Father Goose |
North by Northwest |
To Catch a Thief |
Charade |
With Tony Curtis in Operation petticoat |
Credits: google, evenings wit cary grant etc.