The latest news that I heard from India was about the “Eva Floors” in the hotels. I couldn't understand at first, what the news reader was talking about, but when I found a bit more info about it, I was amazed.

A big Hotel chain in India named ITC, has designed special floors - ladies only. This way, according to the management of the company, the ladies will feel safer and will be much more comfortable in their hotels.
In order to increase the levels of comfort and after some researches about the way the women like to spend their time, the hotel rooms and even the whole floors were painted in soft pastel colours. The light on the whole floors is soft and the bathrooms are big and perfectly equipped. These floors are well secured and of course, the guards there are also women.
From the management of the hotels say that even if the whole hotel is full and the only empty rooms are these designed especially for the ladies, they won't let any men there.
So, if you are a woman and if you want to experience something designed and created entirely to make you feel happy, you can visit India and stay in one of those hotels.