Shastar Vidiya – this is an ancient martial art specifically designed for battlefield. It is part of the Sastravidya group. It Can be deadly that is why when the British came in India in 19th century they banned it and replaced it with their own way of leading a battle. Today the Shastar Vidiya is not forgotten and it can be seen even the UK. Just in matter of understanding how dangerous this martial art is i'll tell you that masters in Shastar Gvidiya can brake both arms of their opponent in 1 second with just 3 simple moves.
Kalaripayattu – It is an ancient martial art originally crated in Kerala state. Kalari means legs and it refers to kicks. For some people this martial art looks like dance because it develops swiftness of the body and helps for better concentration. There are 3 types of Kalaripayattu – Northern, Southern, and Mid-Kerala.

In most of the Indian martial arts are used weapons like katara, urumi and otta. Urumi is one of the unique. It is a flexible blade which can behave almost like a whip.