
Charles Faudree, Details

Charles Faudree is Master of Country French, his layered interiors are to die for. He is out with his new book "Charles Faudree Details", which is the final book of his series on Country French interiors. This book is about details and finishing touches that give the layered looks he is famous for.

Here is what he says about Details; Details may seem like a small subject, but these finishing accessories are by far the most important part of the decorating. People's lives are expressed by little details. They give a room its soul.

I have scanned these pictures for the post. My Apple computer and HP scanner are not at very good terms with each other, the pictures are not great, but hope will do some justification to this beautiful book.
A tables-cape of bronze dogs
Antique transferware and Black forest wooden
castle shaped box
A French commode and wing chairs make a cozy
seating area
An antique Federal bull's-eye mirror
surrounded by blue and white English china
Family's love for Spaniel evident from the
painting and the bronze Spaniel figurines
Black-amoor hurricane lamps and tole
containers adorne the mantle
A very lively room with a lot of detail
A sitting area in a sorority house at
University of Oklahoma
A lamp made of an antique figurine on Charles'
own bed side table
Charles Faudree, the master himself in his Tulsa home
Charles faudree; Details are like frosting on the cake, and who doesn't like frosting best?

Picture credits: Charles Faudree Details, Paisleycurtain